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Jazz dance is an ever-evolving dance form that has a direct relationship to the vernacular music of the present day. Jazz dance originated in America in the 20th century with several cultural influences. Jazz is fun, energetic, explosive, grounded, sassy, and rhythmic. It is a style that consists of intricate footwork, rhythmic qualities, large leaps, and turns. Jazz dance also has numerous benefits for dancers and adding this technique to your child's classes can only show numerous benefits influencing their ballet training.

Strength, Flexibility, and Stamina

The full-body nature of jazz dance will strengthen the dancer's muscles in the arms, legs, and core. Students will explore diverse movements from the ground to jumping in the air which will help strengthen every muscle group. A portion of jazz class consists of a stretching sequence that is unique from what the students will do in ballet class. Lengthening these muscles will increase flexibility and the dancer's range of motion which can benefit their ballet training. Lastly, jazz has an energetic, fast pace to it. The rhythmic music in jazz class will lead to students increasing their stamina and endurance.

Rhythm and Coordination

The music in jazz class is constantly varying in timing and rhythm sequences. This paired with the rapid-paced movements through complex steps and patterns will lead to the students bettering their rhythmic abilities. Dancers will start to find their inner rhythm, creating a better sense of how to follow the music. This allows students to learn how to dance to the proper timing, how to count music, and how to accent their movement, which will greater benefit their dance training. One of the most distinct characteristics of jazz dance is the use of isolation, a technique when dancers move one part of the body at a time. This progresses to more than one element moving at a time, then the upper and lower body doing contrasting movements to different rhythms. Utilizing the students understanding of rhythm and the elements of jazz will cause the dancer to develop more coordination.

Cross Training

Aside from all of the other benefits of studying jazz dance, there is also the element of cross training. This is when dancers study different styles of dance. Due to the fact that jazz class follows a different technique than the students are used to in ballet, working their body and mind in a different way will result in less injuries. Using and applying this technique will improve their ability and allow them to utilize these skillls in their ballet training. Furthermore, this will prolong their ability to dance long term.

Fun, Stress Relieving, and Boosts Confidence

Jazz dance is simply fun, your child will enjoy each session thoroughly while also relieving stress. Their stress and tension caused by busy schedules is eliminated which leaves room to have fun. Additionally, jazz class fosters a sense of self-confidence while students develop their individuality. While students watch their skills and abilities improve in a whole new dance form, that confidence will showcase in their ballet training and their everyday life.

Registering your child in a jazz class has endless benefits and can only improve and assist your child's ballet training. BalletCNJ offers jazz classes for students in Level I-Level VI!

Call or email us now to register your students for jazz!

(609) 249-4066

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